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Showing posts from September, 2007

It is Official

We are having a baby! In an series of events over the past week, Precia and I ended up at the Hosiptal last night so she could get an IV and get re-hydrated. Once that was started they decided that they needed to check on the baby and make sure it was doing ok. So at 10:30pm we had our first ultrasound. It was absolutly amazing to see those images on the screen and to hear our baby's heart beat 165 bpm, right down the middle for normal at this size. We found out that we are almost exactly 9 weeks along, so hopefully only another 3 weeks of this morning sickness stuff and then it will be smooth sailing, until April 22. We were discharged around 11:30 and made the long trip home. Precia is feeling much better today, better than she has felt since the morning sickness started. So now the goal is to stay hydrated and get through the next 3 weeks.