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Showing posts from April, 2007


I just got back from a whirlwind 3 day trip to Toronto with the Caro High School Choir. Overall I would say it was a good time. No one died, we all came back in one piece, and I didn't have to tape any kids to the ceiling of the bus, though I think the charter company would have been a little upset about that. Our Itinerary was definitely jam packed and I am sure that helped with keeping the kids in line. Here is what it looked like. Day 1 - Leave the school, Lunch in Sarnia and some play time at a place called Playdium . It is kinda like Gameworks only not as big. After that leave for the hotel. On arrival get changed and head to The Old Spaghetti Factory for Dinner. Immediately following dinner head to the Princess of Wales Theatre for the evening performance of Phantom of the Opera. Return to hotel, sleep. Day 2 - Leave hotel, head to Rogers Center "Skydome" for a tour, immediately after cross the park and head to the top of the CN Tower . After the CN to

Radio Control

I have a Traxxas something. It used to be a Bandit (Buggy) , but over this last winter I replaced the A-arms and drive shafts wheels and carriers and so now it is more of a Rustler (Stadium Truck) . Well it had the original speed control and motor from when I bought it in 2003. When I bought it, it was used so there was already lots of wear but it had some pretty good getup and go, that is until I put the new wheels on. Bigger wheels = more rolling mass = slower speed and shorter battery life. I went from 15 - 18 min of run time down to 5 on a 1500 battery pack. So this weekend I decided to head to my LHS and pick up some new parts. So I got a new Electronic Speed Control (ESC) to replace the mechanical (MSC) one that it came with. And I also picked up a new Speed Gems 16 Turn Motor I also got some new shocks for the rear and finally got the tires glued on. So now the transformation is nearing completion. I haven't decided what I want to do with it next but here are som

Where have I been

Well, sometimes life gets in the way of doing things. This is what happened to me over the past couple of weeks. I was asked to run audio for a high school performance of The Wizard of Oz. Despite it being a HS performance it was actually quite good and very well attended. The school is a class C school and there were around 500 people there for each of the 3 nights of performances. From what I understand this is more than went to all of the football games last season. So on this board here we went from a 5 mic production to a 12 mic production in 2 nights. It is amazing what can happen when people see microphones and suddenly get very quite on their lines. And no we didn't run the levels that high, I was just marking which channels had done a sound check with me before we started rehearsal that night. Rehearsals for this performance were Monday - Thursday for the week before the show they started at 7:00 and were finished around 10. Then since we were in the gym since the


Not much time to post recently. I will put together something to give you on what has been taking all of my time recently. I will try to get that up here tomorrow.