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Showing posts from 2009

Joys of Home ownership

Well, how to start this, oh I know! I HATE BEING A HOMEOWNER. There now that is out of the way. I know it is the "American Dream" to own your own home, but it really isn't all it is cracked up to be, especially when you have a "pre-owned" home. Since purchasing our house, 4 years ago, our water heater died, and our sewer has backed up into the basement 4 times ruining the carpet down there. We discovered why the house is covered in wall-paper. It appears that it has lead based paint, so as we have been redoing rooms we have been removing wall paper and sealing the walls. UGH I didn't sign up for this, at least not knowingly. I am ready to be done with this thing and move somewhere when if something happens I call someone else and they come and fix the problem. What are my choices with this? Is it back to apartment living? Is this how most condos are run? I need to start researching my options.

Raelynn and the Big Girl Bed

Well, the time has finally come, Raelynn has moved into a toddler bed. We made the conversion on Sunday night, and she slept the whole night in the bed no problems. Raelynn and the Big Girl Bed from Aaron Beebe on Vimeo .

More Video

We finally got a video camera so now we can start having more videos of all the fun things Raelynn does. Here is a clip of her walking! Raelynn Walking from Aaron Beebe on Vimeo .

A long time past

Well after almost a year, I suppose it is time to break the silence, not that it was intentional. I guess I just went through this phase of who cares what I have to say, and honestly if you are reading this then that is one more person than I thought. Well as you can see almost a year has gone by, I would print exactly how much time but I am already too much of a nerd so I don't feel inclined to go figure it out. Raelynn is 9mo almost 10mo old and she is doing wonderful. No walking on her own yet but she can take you on a tour of the house as long as you hold her hands. She is a garbage disposal, she will eat just about anything that you put in front of her. Now that she has 8 teeth Precia and I are hoping that the teething is done for a little while, at least a month. She hasn't really stopped teething since she got her first 2 the day she turned 4mo. In this time, I have also discovered that I am a crappy parent, at least to my extended family. We haven't had any p...